Amy jogs 1/3 of a mile in 1/15 of an hour, while John takes 1/30 of an hour to jog 1/5 of a mile. If they continued at this rate who would jog farther in one hour and by how much?

(1/3 mi)/(1/15 hr) = 5 mi/hr

(1/5 mi)/(1/30 hr) = 6 mi/hr

I suspect you can finish it off from here, eh?

u should be ashame of ur self

How much farther is 3/4 than 2/3.

To determine who would jog farther in one hour, we need to find out how far each person would jog in one hour.

Let's start with Amy. We know she jogs 1/3 of a mile in 1/15 of an hour. To find out how far she would jog in one hour, we need to multiply her speed by the number of times she would jog in one hour.

Amy's speed: 1/3 mile / 1/15 hour
To find the speed as miles per hour, we can multiply this by 15 (since 1/15 hour is the same as 15/1).

Amy's speed: (1/3) * 15 = 15/3 = 5 miles per hour

Now, let's move on to John. We know he jogs 1/5 of a mile in 1/30 of an hour. To find out how far he would jog in one hour, we need to multiply his speed by the number of times he would jog in one hour.

John's speed: 1/5 mile / 1/30 hour
To find the speed as miles per hour, we can multiply this by 30 (since 1/30 hour is the same as 30/1).

John's speed: (1/5) * 30 = 30/5 = 6 miles per hour

So, Amy would jog 5 miles per hour and John would jog 6 miles per hour.

To compare how far they would jog in one hour, we can simply subtract Amy's speed from John's speed:

John's speed - Amy's speed = 6 miles per hour - 5 miles per hour = 1 mile per hour

Therefore, John would jog 1 mile farther than Amy in one hour.

thank you, thank you!

Over the course of 6 days. Rachel walked 5.75 miles ,6 miles, 4.74 miles , 3.5 miles , 5 miles ,and 7 miles. What was the average distance she traveled each day?