Which is the best example of a simile?

A. Marty's shout rattled the windows.
B. Her voice was as clear as a bell.
C. He is a bear in the morning.
D. The blossoms in the garden nodded their heads.
Is the answer B?
Thank you

thank you:)

Your welcome(:

Yes, you're correct! The best example of a simile out of the options provided is B. "Her voice was as clear as a bell."

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as." In this case, the speaker is comparing the clarity of someone's voice to the clear sound of a bell. The use of "as" in the sentence signals that it is a simile. This comparison helps paint a vivid image in the reader's mind, highlighting the exceptional clarity of the person's voice. Well done!