Calculate the percentage of by mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate Nh4 No3

To calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), you need to know the atomic masses of nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen.

The atomic mass of nitrogen (N) is approximately 14.01 g/mol, hydrogen (H) is approximately 1.01 g/mol, and oxygen (O) is approximately 16.00 g/mol.

1. Start by calculating the total molar mass of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3).

NH4NO3 = 1(NH4) + 1(NO3)
= 1(N) + 4(H) + 1(N) + 3(O)
= 2(N) + 4(H) + 3(O)

2. Calculate the molar mass of the elements in ammonium nitrate.

2(N) = 2 * 14.01 g/mol = 28.02 g/mol
4(H) = 4 * 1.01 g/mol = 4.04 g/mol
3(O) = 3 * 16.00 g/mol = 48.00 g/mol

Total molar mass of NH4NO3:
28.02 g/mol + 4.04 g/mol + 48.00 g/mol = 80.06 g/mol

3. Now, calculate the mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate.

The molecular formula of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) shows that it contains two atoms of nitrogen (N). Each nitrogen atom contributes 14.01 g/mol to the total molar mass. Therefore, the mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is:

2(N) * 14.01 g/mol = 28.02 g

4. Finally, calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate.

Percent by mass is calculated by dividing the mass of nitrogen by the total molar mass of ammonium nitrate and then multiplying by 100 to get the percentage:

(28.02 g / 80.06 g) * 100% ≈ 34.99%

Therefore, the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is approximately 34.99%.

Remember, these values are approximate as they are based on the atomic masses given above, and actual values may vary slightly.

%N = (mass N/mass NH4NO3)*100 = ?

%N=(massN/mass NH4NO3)*100