Lisa evaluated the expressions 2x and x squared for x=2 and found that both expressions were equal to 4. Lisa concluded that 2x and x squared are equivalent expressions. How could you show. Lisa that she is incorrect? Please help explain thanks

To show Lisa that she is incorrect, we need to demonstrate that the expressions 2x and x squared are not equivalent. We can do this by substituting the value of x, which is 2, into both expressions and comparing the results.

First, let's evaluate the expression 2x when x=2:
2x = 2 * 2 = 4

As Lisa stated, the expression 2x evaluates to 4 when x=2.

Now, let's evaluate the expression x squared when x=2:
x squared = 2 squared = 2 * 2 = 4

Here, we can see that x squared also evaluates to 4 when x=2.

From these evaluations, Lisa concluded that 2x and x squared are equivalent expressions because they both equal 4. However, we can show that they are not equivalent by considering other values of x.

Let's take x=3:
When x=3,
2x = 2 * 3 = 6

On the other hand,
x squared = 3 squared = 3 * 3 = 9

Now, we can clearly see that 2x and x squared are not equal for x=3.

Therefore, based on the evaluation of different values of x, we can conclude that 2x and x squared are not equivalent expressions.

mmh, let her try x = 3

and to really confuse her, let her try x =