
Which of the following correctly describes a gamma ray? (1 point)

A.long wavelength and low frequency
B.long wavelength and high frequency
C.short wavelength and low frequency
D.short wavelength and high frequency***

The answer is D, short wavelength and high frequency. You are correct jeje

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To determine the correct description of a gamma ray, we need to understand the properties of electromagnetic waves. Gamma rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave, while frequency is the number of complete waves passing a given point in one second. These two properties are related since the speed of light is constant.

Now, if we consider the options:

A. Long wavelength and low frequency: This option is contradicted by the fact that gamma rays have a short wavelength, not a long one. Therefore, A is incorrect.

B. Long wavelength and high frequency: This option is also incorrect because it contradicts the known fact that gamma rays have a high frequency, not a low one. Therefore, B is incorrect.

C. Short wavelength and low frequency: This option contradicts the known fact that gamma rays have a high frequency. Therefore, C is incorrect.

D. Short wavelength and high frequency: This option correctly describes a gamma ray. Gamma rays have a short wavelength and a high frequency. Therefore, D is the correct answer.

To recap: Gamma rays have a short wavelength and high frequency, making option D the correct description.