A) Identify the question, population, and sample.

b) Discuss any potential bias or lurking variables that may affect the results.?
c) Write about the extent to which we can generalize the findings to all people who use cell phones.

Stewart Fist reported the results of an experiment investigating the link between cell phone use and tumors in mice. The study exposed one hundred mice to cell phone radiation for two half-hour periods each day over eighteen months. The researchers fitted another hundred mice with the same type of antennas, which never had the power turned on. the tumor rate was twice as high in the group than in the unexposed group.

I am totally lost on all of it.

a) The question being investigated in this experiment is the link between cell phone use and tumors in mice. The population in this case would be all mice, while the sample consists of the one hundred mice that were exposed to cell phone radiation and the other hundred mice that were not exposed.

b) Potential bias in this experiment could arise from factors such as the type of mice used, the specific type of antenna, or the duration and intensity of the radiation exposure. Lurking variables that may affect the results could include various genetic factors among the mice or any other environmental factors that were not accounted for.

c) The extent to which we can generalize the findings to all people who use cell phones is limited. This experiment was conducted on mice, and the physiological and genetic differences between mice and humans make it difficult to directly apply the findings to humans. Additionally, the experiment only investigated the link between cell phone use and tumors in mice, without considering other potential factors that may influence tumor development in humans. To generalize the findings to humans, further research would be needed specifically targeting human subjects.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

You're supposed to study the short paragraph about the experiment.

The question was if cell phone use is related to cancer.
The population was mice.
The sample was 200 mice.