Roses cost $5 each and geraniums cost $3 each. Michelle bought 4 more geraniums than roses and spent a total of $52. How many roses did she buy?

5r + 3(r+4) = 52


so it's 5 roses

Let's assume Michelle bought x roses.

Since geraniums cost $3 each and Michelle bought 4 more geraniums than roses, she bought (x + 4) geraniums.
The total cost of roses is 5x dollars.
The total cost of geraniums is 3(x + 4) dollars.
The total amount spent is $52. According to the information given, we can set up the equation:
5x + 3(x + 4) = 52
Now, we can solve this equation step-by-step:
5x + 3x + 12 = 52
Combining like terms:
8x + 12 = 52
Subtracting 12 from both sides of the equation:
8x = 40
Dividing both sides of the equation by 8:
x = 5
Therefore, Michelle bought 5 roses.

To solve this question, we can set up a system of equations. Let's denote the number of roses Michelle bought as "x" and the number of geraniums as "y".

Given that roses cost $5 each, the cost of x roses would be 5x dollars.
Given that geraniums cost $3 each, the cost of y geraniums would be 3y dollars.

According to the information provided, Michelle bought 4 more geraniums than roses. So, we can say that y = x + 4.

Michelle spent a total of $52, so the cost of the roses and geraniums combined would be 5x + 3y dollars.

Now we can combine these equations to form a system of equations:
y = x + 4 ---(equation 1)
5x + 3y = 52 ---(equation 2)

To solve this system of equations, we can substitute the value of y from equation 1 into equation 2 and solve for x.

Substituting y = x + 4 in equation 2, we have:
5x + 3(x + 4) = 52

Simplifying the equation:
5x + 3x + 12 = 52
8x + 12 = 52
8x = 52 - 12
8x = 40
x = 40/8
x = 5

Therefore, Michelle bought 5 roses.