Multiply using the rule for the square of a binomial. (7x + 4)^2

To multiply using the rule for the square of a binomial, we follow the formula:

(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

In this case, our binomial is (7x + 4). Let's apply the formula:

(7x + 4)^2 = (7x)^2 + 2(7x)(4) + (4)^2

Now, we simplify each term:

(7x)^2 = 49x^2
2(7x)(4) = 56x
(4)^2 = 16

Putting it all together, we have:

(7x + 4)^2 = 49x^2 + 56x + 16

So, the final answer is 49x^2 + 56x + 16.

What is your rule ?