Which of the following is an issue that would need to be determined by Constitutional law?

A city wants to review articles about its commission meetings before they are published in the local newspaper.***

A city fines a homeowner for a yard cluttered with old cars, lawnmowers, and broken furniture.

A homeowner wants to sue a builder for payment for a roof damaged by the builder's workers.

A police department wants to arrest a citizen for spray-painting a company's street sign.

YES! :-)

thx finally!!!!!!!!!

thank you thank you thank you a whole load bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps:- I have a couple more questions!!!!Sorry u r probably really angry at me!

You are very welcome. I enjoy helping you when you've read your book or your lesson and are thinking. I'm disappointed with you when you sluff off and guess at answers.

what is the answer

The issue that would need to be determined by Constitutional law is when a city wants to review articles about its commission meetings before they are published in the local newspaper. To understand why this would involve Constitutional law, we need to consider the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

In this case, the city's desire to review articles before they are published raises questions about potential censorship and prior restraint. Prior restraint refers to government action that prohibits speech or publication before it occurs. The practice of reviewing articles before publication can be seen as a form of prior restraint, as it allows the city to potentially control or influence the content of the news articles.

To determine whether this practice is constitutional, the courts would need to consider the balance between the city's interests and the First Amendment rights of the newspaper and its journalists. They would assess whether the city's review process constitutes an impermissible infringement on freedom of the press or if it is a justifiable regulation in the interest of the city's administration.

To get a conclusive answer to this question, one would need to consult legal experts, constitutional scholars, or reference Constitutional law cases and precedents that have addressed similar issues in the past.