Jane and Leah want to start a glee club at their junior high. They have outlined a list of songs that they could sing and recruited possible members. Now they what to make their group a formal school club . What should they do next to start the glee club?

Get voted onto the student council to use council funds for their glee club

Gain approval from the school board to start a student organized glee club ***

Ask radio station DJs to play recordings of their glee clubs songs on the radio

Approach the city commission for permission to form their school glee club

To start the glee club as a formal school club, Jane and Leah should gain approval from the school board. This will ensure that they have the necessary support and resources from the school administration to establish and run the glee club. They can do this by submitting a proposal to the school board, highlighting the benefits of the glee club and how it could contribute to the school and students' development.

To start a formal school club like a glee club, Jane and Leah should first seek approval from the school board. Here's how they can do that:

1. Research the school's policies: Jane and Leah should read the school's policies and regulations regarding the formation of student clubs. They can usually find this information on the school's website or in the student handbook.

2. Prepare a proposal: They should create a formal proposal outlining the purpose, goals, and activities of the glee club. The proposal should also include how many students are interested in joining, possible meeting times, and any potential costs or resources needed.

3. Find a faculty advisor: They need to find a teacher or staff member who is willing to serve as the faculty advisor for the glee club. The advisor's role is to oversee the club's activities, provide guidance, and ensure compliance with school policies.

4. Submit the proposal: Once they have a complete proposal and a faculty advisor, they should schedule a meeting with the school board or the designated representative for club approvals. During the meeting, they can present their proposal, explain the benefits of having a glee club, and answer any questions the board may have.

5. Follow any additional procedures: Depending on the school's policies, there may be additional steps required, such as filling out specific forms, gathering signatures from interested students or parents, or attending a club approval meeting.

By following these steps and gaining approval from the school board, Jane and Leah can start their glee club as a formal school club, allowing them access to school resources, funding opportunities, and the ability to recruit members more officially.

You're right again.

The correct answer is B