A shopkeeper bought cooking fat in 30 one kilogram packets and 20 five hundred packets. She repacked the fat in packets of 125 grams each. How many packets did she get?

Assuming the second purchase was in 500 g packages .... (typo)

The shopkeeper bought 30(1000) + 20(500) or
40000g , or 40 kg

He/she divided this into 40000/125 smaller packets or
320 packets of 125 g each

To determine the total number of packets the shopkeeper obtained, we need to calculate the total weight of the fat bought and then divide it by the weight of each packet.

Let's start by converting the cooking fat bought into a standard unit.

The shopkeeper purchased 30 one-kilogram packets, which is equal to 30 * 1000 = 30,000 grams.
Similarly, the shopkeeper bought 20 five-hundred gram packets, which is equal to 20 * 500 = 10,000 grams.

Now, let's find the total weight of the fat bought by adding the weights of the one-kilogram packets and the five-hundred gram packets: 30,000 grams + 10,000 grams = 40,000 grams.

Since each packet is repacked into 125-gram packets, we can divide the total weight of the fat bought by the weight of each packet: 40,000 grams / 125 grams = 320 packets.

Therefore, the shopkeeper obtained a total of 320 packets.