lily has a bottle containing 7/8 quart of milk. She pours 4/5 of it into a bowl. What amount of milk does she pour into the bowl?

Damon can u help me?

(4/5)(7/8) = 7/10

4/5 of 7/8=

4/5 × 7/8= 7/10
1/5 × 7/2= 7/10
Hope this helps. : )

I am an engineering teacher not a civics teacher jeje.


Please can you show the work quickly because i have to submit my assignment by tomorrow morning so please do it quickly thank you so much have a nice day.

how do i do this using a bar model

To find the amount of milk Lily pours into the bowl, we need to multiply the fraction of milk in her bottle by the fraction she pours into the bowl.

First, let's find the fraction of milk Lily pours into the bowl.

Fraction poured into the bowl = 4/5.

Next, let's find the total amount of milk in the bottle.

Total amount of milk in the bottle = 7/8 quart.

To calculate the amount of milk poured into the bowl, we need to multiply these two fractions:

Amount of milk poured into the bowl = (4/5) * (7/8).

To multiply fractions, we need to multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

Amount of milk poured into the bowl = (4 * 7) / (5 * 8).

Multiplying the numerators and denominators:

Amount of milk poured into the bowl = 28/40.

Simplifying the fraction:

Amount of milk poured into the bowl = 7/10 quart.

Therefore, Lily pours 7/10 quart of milk into the bowl.
