Which of the following was grievance of the American colonists against the British government in the years before the Declaration of Independence

Their representatives in Parliament were given no respect

The king kept his soldiers in the colonies***

They had to pay much higher income taxes than people in England

The king had moved to the colonies

I guessed for this one!

I went in my book and i think it is

Their representatives in Parliament were given no respect

Is this right Ms.sue??

Did the colonists have representatives in Parliament?

They really were not represented in Parliament.


Is number 2 the fact that the soldiers were lodged in the homes of colonists? That was one of their grievances.

Is it the one I choose before??????

(i'm not feeling well today so that's why)

The colonists weren't angry about soldiers in the colonies. But they were angry about being forced to let British soldiers stay in their homes.

So is it The king had moved to the colonies

To determine which of the options was a grievance of the American colonists against the British government in the years before the Declaration of Independence, let's analyze each option:

1. "Their representatives in Parliament were given no respect": While there were concerns about representation in Parliament, this was not a major grievance of the American colonists, as they were primarily seeking independence from British rule.

2. "The king kept his soldiers in the colonies": This was indeed a grievance of the American colonists. The presence of British soldiers and the enforcement of British laws in the colonies were seen as oppressive and infringements on their rights.

3. "They had to pay much higher income taxes than people in England": Although taxation was a significant issue, the specific mention of income taxes is not accurate for this time period. The key concern at that time was about taxation without representation.

4. "The king had moved to the colonies": The physical location of the king was not a primary grievance for the colonists. Their main concerns focused on the policies and actions of the British government.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is "The king kept his soldiers in the colonies."