15. The Articles of Confederation called for which of the following?

A. The right of the legislature to assess taxes
B. The Northwest Ordinance
C. A single legislative body
D. A chief executive

I think the answer is C


To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the content and provisions of the Articles of Confederation.

The Articles of Confederation were the first official governing document of the newly formed United States of America. They were adopted in 1777 and formally ratified in 1781. However, it is important to note that the Articles were eventually replaced by the United States Constitution, which is the current governing document.

Analyzing the options:

A. The right of the legislature to assess taxes: Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government did not have the power to directly tax individuals. Instead, it had to rely on the states for funding. Therefore, option A is not correct.

B. The Northwest Ordinance: The Northwest Ordinance, enacted in 1787, was a significant law passed under the Articles of Confederation. While it established a system for governing and admitting new states to the Union, it was not directly related to the original content and provisions of the Articles. Therefore, option B is not correct.

C. A single legislative body: The Articles of Confederation established a single legislative body known as the Confederation Congress. This unicameral (single-chambered) legislature consisted of representatives from each state. Therefore, option C is correct.

D. A chief executive: The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a chief executive, such as a president. The national government did not have a centralized authority with a head executive. Therefore, option D is not correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. A single legislative body.