When conducting a stakeholder analysis, a group identifies the individuals or groups affected by a proposal action. A citizen group wants to open a new youth center in a location currently zoned for light residential use. The group is required to perform a stakeholder analysis or groups and present it before the zoning can be changed. Which step of a citizen action plan does a stakeholder analysis fit into?

Determining the goal and criteria***
Evaluating the public policy alternatives
Identifying the issue
Conducting background research

I'd say all of the above, but research is involved in the other three. It may take research to identify stakeholders (property owners, lessees, etc.). Identifying the issue(s) is key before taking any steps (what are stakeholders concerned about?). Alternatives may require some research (is a conditional use permit allowed, rezoning an individual property as opposed to the entire neighborhood, etc.). And determining the goals and criteria of stakeholders may also require some research (talking with people, reading the documents involved, etc.) All of these things are important, but background research is key to all of the others.

Thanks!! I quite do not understand what you wrote there. But thanks anyway!!

Reed answered your question in his last sentence.

Oh now i see it! I did not realize before. Silly Me. Thanks a whole load reed.

A stakeholder analysis fits into the step of identifying the issue in a citizen action plan.