Identify and correct the errors in the following to create parallel structure:

To narrow a web search
a. Put quotation marks around a phrase when you want an exact term.
b. Many search engines have wild cards (usually an asterisk) to find plurals and other forms of a word.
c. Reading the instructions on the search engine itself can teach advanced search techniques.

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Put quotation marks around a phrase when you want an exact term.

b. Many search engines have wild cards (usually an asterisk) to find plurals and other forms of a word.
c. Reading the instructions on the search engine itself can teach advanced search techniques.

To create parallel structure, we need to ensure that the items in the list are formatted in a consistent manner. In this case, the items are presented as commands or instructions.

Identifying and correcting the errors:

a. To narrow a web search: Put quotation marks around a phrase when you want an exact term.
b. To narrow a web search: Use wild cards (usually an asterisk) to find plurals and other forms of a word.
c. To narrow a web search: Read the instructions on the search engine itself to learn advanced search techniques.

In the corrected version, each item begins with the phrase "To narrow a web search" to maintain parallel structure.