what are two themes that would be appropriate for thematic time lines of important events from prehistory to A.D.1600.

I thought of the rise and fall of empires all over the world.

Another theme could be scientific discoveries and inventions.

Religions could also work well.

Yes, I thought of inventions, too. From the wheel to the printing press, and others along the way that changed the way people lived in important ways. Religion would also work, but that's VERY complicated, but has had an almost immeasurable impact on civilization.

I can't think of one or two themes that span that entire HUGE amount of time. You're talking thousands and thousands of years. One major change, in pre-history, is the development of agriculture. Another major theme would be the Roman Empire, which had a huge impact on Western civilization over hundreds of years. Another might be the rise and fall of empires (there were many that "spread" ideas and were influential for a time, then faded or were overtaken). But none of these spans all of human existence up to 1600 c.e. Ms. Sue, any ideas?

To determine appropriate themes for thematic timelines of important events from prehistory to A.D. 1600, we need to consider the overarching historical contexts and significant developments across this extensive timeframe. Here are two possible themes:

1. "Human Migration and Cultural Exchange": This theme focuses on the movement of humans across continents, exploration, and the resulting cultural exchanges. It highlights significant events such as the peopling of the Americas, ancient trade routes (e.g., Silk Road), European exploration and colonization, and interactions between different civilizations.

To create a timeline based on this theme:
a. Start with prehistoric migration patterns, such as the peopling of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
b. Include events like the migration of Indo-European peoples, the expansion of the Roman Empire, or Chinese exploration under the Ming Dynasty.
c. Highlight key moments of cultural exchange, like the spread of religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism) or the influence of trade networks on the exchange of goods and ideas.

2. "Technological and Scientific Advancements": This theme emphasizes the progress and innovation occurring in technology and science throughout history. It encompasses significant breakthroughs that shape human civilization, from ancient times to the early modern period.

To develop a timeline based on this theme:
a. Begin with prehistoric milestones such as the invention of agriculture or the development of early tools.
b. Include events like the construction of monumental structures (e.g., Stonehenge, Great Wall of China), the rise of ancient civilizations (e.g., Mesopotamia, Egypt), or advancements in mathematics and astronomy (e.g., Babylonian and Mayan civilizations).
c. Incorporate major scientific discoveries of the Renaissance, such as the heliocentric model, exploration of the New World, or the beginnings of the scientific method.

Remember, these are just examples, and you can modify or combine themes based on your preferences and the specific events you choose to include in your thematic timeline.