Can I still be a doctor without pure Maths?


No sweetheart

Yes, you can still become a doctor without having taken pure math courses. While math is a fundamental subject in many scientific fields, including medicine, it is not typically a requirement for medical school or for obtaining a medical degree.

To become a doctor, you will need to complete certain prerequisites in the sciences, such as biology, chemistry, and physics. These subjects are more directly related to the medical curriculum and are generally the focus of undergraduate pre-medical programs. However, math is indirectly involved in some areas of medicine, such as pharmacology or biostatistics, where an understanding of basic math concepts is beneficial.

It is worth noting that while math may not be a mandatory requirement for medical school, strong quantitative skills and critical thinking abilities are essential. Doctors often need to interpret research findings, understand statistical analyses, and make medical decisions based on evidence. While math courses can help develop these skills, they can also be developed through other means, such as taking relevant biology or statistics courses.

Ultimately, the specific requirements for admission to medical school may vary depending on the institution. It's important to research the prerequisites of the medical programs you are interested in to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements.