I need to write an interpretation and meaning on the song "embers" by max richter(search it on youtube! :)). Since I also need to choreograph a dance to this song for my dance class, I have decided to rename the song(which is my dance routine's name) as "Swallow". I do not know why I called it "swallow", but somehow it inherently feels right, so I want to know your interpretation of the meaning of the song mentioned above, and possibly connect it to the word swallow(maybe not as in eating) indirectly and metaphorically.

To start interpreting the meaning of the song "Embers" by Max Richter and making a connection to the word "swallow" metaphorically, there are several steps you can take.

1. Listen to the song: The first step is to listen to the song carefully. Pay attention to the mood, atmosphere, and emotions it evokes. Notice any recurring musical motifs, dynamics, or changes in tempo that may convey a particular message or theme.

2. Analyze the lyrics (if applicable): If "Embers" has lyrics, read and analyze them for potential meaning and imagery. Look for any recurring themes or metaphors that may relate to the concept of "swallow" indirectly.

3. Research the artist's intent: Explore interviews, articles, or the artist's own comments about the song to gain insight into their intentions. This can help you contextualize the piece and understand what inspired the composition.

4. Consider the title: The song's original title, "Embers," might offer clues to its meaning. Reflect on what embers symbolize - lingering warmth, fading memories, or inner strength - and brainstorm ways to connect these ideas to the concept of "swallow." For example, you might explore the idea of "swallowing" one's emotions or memories, containing them within oneself.

5. Reflect on personal interpretation: Interpreting a piece of music is subjective, so consider your own emotional response to the song. Reflect on how it makes you feel and what thoughts or images come to mind. This can help you develop a personal interpretation that resonates with your dance routine.

6. Make connections: Finally, think of metaphorical or symbolic connections between the song and the word "swallow." Brainstorm ideas based on your analysis and personal interpretation. These connections could be abstract or literal, depending on your creative process.

By following these steps, you can develop a thoughtful interpretation of the song and establish a meaningful connection to the word "swallow" for your dance routine. Remember that interpretation is open to individual perspectives, so trust your intuition and let your creativity guide you in finding deeper meaning in the song.