At 10:00 AM Two planes leave an airport. If the northbound plane flies 280 mph and the sound bound at 320 mph, at what time will they be 1000 miles apart?

I need help with explanations the questions keep changing :(

let the time be t hrs

northbound went 280t miles
southbound went 320t miles

280t + 320t = 1000
t = 1000/600 = 5/3 hr or 1 hr 40 min

they are 1000 miles apart at 11:40 am

To find out the time at which the two planes will be 1000 miles apart, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed * Time

Let's assume that the time taken is 't' hours.

For the northbound plane, the distance traveled is 280t miles.
For the southbound plane, the distance traveled is 320t miles.

Since they are flying in opposite directions, the total distance between them is the sum of the distances traveled by each plane:

Distance = 280t + 320t

We know that the distance is 1000 miles, so we can set up the equation:

1000 = 280t + 320t

To solve this equation, we can combine like terms:

1000 = 600t

Now, isolate 't' by dividing both sides of the equation by 600:

t = 1000/600

Simplifying, we get:

t = 5/3

Therefore, the planes will be 1000 miles apart after 5/3 hours, which is equal to 1 hour and 40 minutes.

To calculate the time, we can add this duration to the initial departure time of 10:00 AM:

10:00 AM + 1 hour and 40 minutes = 11:40 AM

Thus, the planes will be 1000 miles apart at 11:40 AM.