A. I really need to lay down.
B.Sit it down over there by the window.
C. I thought it would be best if I were to raise a curtain.
D. The men came today to lay the carpet in the living room.

Both C and D are correct. However, D is a better sentence.

To determine which of the following sentences is grammatically correct, let's examine each sentence individually:

A. "I really need to lay down."
This sentence is grammatically correct. "Lay down" is a phrasal verb that means to recline or rest, and it is used correctly in this sentence.

B. "Sit it down over there by the window."
This sentence is grammatically incorrect. The correct sentence would be "Sit down over there by the window." The word "it" in the sentence is unnecessary and incorrect.

C. "I thought it would be best if I were to raise a curtain."
This sentence is grammatically correct. It uses correct verb tenses and structure. The phrase "if I were to raise" is the subjunctive mood, which is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations.

D. "The men came today to lay the carpet in the living room."
This sentence is grammatically correct. The word "lay" is used correctly to describe the action of placing or installing the carpet.

Therefore, the correct sentence is A. "I really need to lay down."