Umm..Im having trouble with solving word problems that involves application of solving right triangles, and also in bearing..

Well, particularly in the drawing/sketching, you know when I don't even know that the triangle described in the problem is not a right triangle then I have to draw right triangles all over it in order to solve the unknowns.. you guys might wanna share some good TIPS, or MAGIC TECHNIQUES and whatnots..

Next, I struggle with coming up with formulas..I know how SOHCAHTOA works and inverse tangent and so on..For instance, there are two angles of elevation given from point 1 & 2,.where point 1 is x meters farther from pt. 2.

Moreover, English is not my mother tongue, I take up trigonometry in purely English so I feel like having my nose bleed during lessons.. There are these TRICKY words which have always gotten me oh so WRONG.. In the end, I just got by when I put in a lot more effort, self-studying, I also read a lot, and I'm currently working with being independent..

Thanks everyone for all the help and sorry for the bother ; ) EXAMS ARE COMING UP NEXT WEEK,,any kind HELP is very much appreciated.

I understand that you're struggling with solving word problems that involve right triangles and bearings. Here are some tips and techniques to help you with these types of problems:

1. Sketching the problem: When you encounter a word problem, start by visualizing the situation described. Make a sketch or diagram for better understanding. If it's not clear whether the triangle is right or not, you can assume it's a right triangle and proceed with solving it. If you find out later that it's not a right triangle, you can adjust your approach accordingly.

2. Formulas: Understanding the relevant formulas is crucial for solving trigonometry problems. You mentioned being familiar with SOHCAHTOA (sine, cosine, tangent) and inverse tangent. These are indeed important formulas. Additionally, you may also need to use the Pythagorean theorem (a^2 + b^2 = c^2) and trigonometric identities like the sine and cosine laws (Law of Sines and Law of Cosines) depending on the problem.

3. Translating word problems: Word problems can be challenging due to unfamiliar vocabulary or phrasing. To tackle this, break down the problem into smaller parts and identify the information given and the unknowns. Look for keywords that indicate which trigonometric concept or formula to use. Practice translating word problems into mathematical equations or diagrams to make them easier to understand and solve.

4. Learning resources: Since English is not your mother tongue and you're studying trigonometry in English, it's natural to find it more difficult. To supplement your learning, consider using additional resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, or educational videos. These resources can provide alternative explanations and examples to help you grasp the concepts more effectively.

5. Practice and self-study: As you mentioned, putting in extra effort through self-study is a great approach. Practice solving different types of word problems involving right triangles and bearings. Work through examples step by step and seek help when needed. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with the concepts and problem-solving strategies.

6. Seek help: If you're still struggling, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Ask your teacher or classmates for clarification on specific topics or problem-solving techniques. You can also consider joining study groups or seeking online forums where you can ask questions and receive guidance.

Remember, consistent practice and a positive mindset are key to improving your understanding of trigonometry. Good luck with your exams!