just a question i have about solving indirect measurements. when you set up your ratios do you cross multiply and then solve for x by dividing?


1/2 = x/10

2x = 10

x = 5

Thank you so much

You are welcome.

Solving indirect measurements typically involves the use of similar triangles and proportional reasoning. When setting up ratios, cross multiplication can be a useful step in solving for the unknown value. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Identify similar triangles: Look for two triangles that have proportional sides or corresponding angles that are equal.

2. Set up ratios: Choose two corresponding sides from the similar triangles and create a ratio by comparing their lengths. For example, if you have a smaller triangle with sides of 3 cm and 4 cm, and a larger triangle with sides of 6 cm and x cm, you can write the ratio 3/6 = 4/x.

3. Cross multiply: Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction and vice versa. In the example, you would have 3x = 6 * 4.

4. Solve for the unknown value: Divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x to isolate the variable. In the example, dividing both sides by 3 would give you x = (6 * 4) / 3, which simplifies to x = 24 / 3 = 8.

So, yes, cross multiplying and then solving for x by dividing is one approach to solving indirect measurement problems using ratios.