Keith spent 60% of his birthday money at Game Stop. If he spent $36 at Game Stop, how much money did Keith receive for his birthday?

.6x = 36

Solve for x.

Is this the answer?

No answer given. Just divide both sides by .6.

To solve this problem, we need to find the total amount of money Keith received for his birthday.

Let's assume the total amount of money Keith received for his birthday is X.

We know that Keith spent 60% of his birthday money, which is $36.
This means that 60% of X is equal to $36.

To find the total amount of money Keith received, we can set up the following equation:

0.6 * X = $36

To solve for X, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.6:

X = $36 / 0.6

By dividing $36 by 0.6, we find that X is equal to $60.

Therefore, Keith received $60 for his birthday.