Chapter 2

1.The antecedent of "its" in this sentence "There was, moreover, a boldness and rotundity of speech among these matrons, as most of them seemed to be, that would startle us at the present day, whether in respect to its purport or its volume of tone."is
A. Speech
B. Matrons
C. Them
D. Present Day
E. Respect

I chose A. Speech

2.The conversation beginning "Goodwives" and ending "...Mistress Pyrnne herself" is characterized by several
E.Rhetorical Questions

As I was reading I saw a lot of rhetoric questions so I chose E.

Chapter 3
1.The word "careless" as used in this line Although, by a seemingly careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb, he has endeavored to conceal or abate the peculiarity, it was sufficiently evident to Hester Prynne that one of this man's shoulders rose higher than the other."
A. Reckless
B. Unstudied
E. Irrational

I chose D.

2.The antecedent of "its" in this sentence is "His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he so instantaneously controlled by an effort of his will, that save at a single moment, its expression might have passed for calmness."
I chose face as the answer.

In the conversation with the stranger, the townsman discusses all of the following EXCEPT
A.His unwavering support of the magistrates
B.Speculation as to the cause of Hester's sin
C.Speculation as to the fate of Master Prynne
D. The community's response to Hester's sin
E.Assurance that the identity of the baby's father will be revealed.
I chose A

Are these correct? Please Help

1 and 2 are correct. 3 could be D or B since, in this context, both mean essentially the same thing. You are correct on all questions, with the exception of the confusing choices on question three. Go with your choice, but I'd accept either B or D.

1. For the first question in Chapter 2, you selected "A. Speech" as the antecedent of "its" in the given sentence. The correct answer is indeed A. Speech. To arrive at this answer, you need to identify the noun that the pronoun "its" refers to. In the sentence, "its" refers back to the boldness and rotundity of speech mentioned earlier. Therefore, "Speech" is the correct antecedent.

2. In the second question in Chapter 2, you chose "E. Rhetorical Questions" as the characteristic of the conversation beginning with "Goodwives" and ending with "Mistress Pyrnne herself." The correct answer is indeed E. Rhetorical Questions. To identify the characteristic, you have to analyze the conversation for the types of questions used. Since the conversation contains rhetorical questions, where the speaker asks questions but does not expect an answer, E. Rhetorical Questions is the correct choice.

Moving on to Chapter 3:

1. In the first question, you selected "D. Thoughtless" as the meaning of the word "careless" in the provided sentence. The correct answer is indeed D. Thoughtless. To determine the meaning, you need to contextualize the word and its usage in the sentence. In this case, the sentence indicates that the seemingly careless arrangement of the man's garb suggests a lack of thought or deliberation in how he presents himself. Therefore, "Thoughtless" is the most appropriate choice.

2. For the second question in Chapter 3, you correctly identified "face" as the antecedent of "its" in the given sentence. Great job!

Lastly, for the conversation with the stranger in Chapter 2:

You chose "A. His unwavering support of the magistrates" as the topic not discussed by the townsman in the conversation. The correct answer is actually "E. Assurance that the identity of the baby's father will be revealed." The townsman does discuss Hester's sin, the fate of Master Prynne, and the community's response to Hester's sin, but he does not address the assurance of revealing the baby's father's identity. So, E is the correct answer.

Overall, you did well with most of the questions. Keep up the good work!

For Chapter 2:

1. The antecedent of "its" in the sentence is indeed "Speech" (option A). So your answer is correct.

2. The conversation beginning "Goodwives" and ending "...Mistress Pyrnne herself" is characterized by several rhetorical questions (option E). So your answer is correct.

For Chapter 3:

1. The word "careless" as used in the sentence means "thoughtless" (option D). So your answer is correct.

2. The antecedent of "its" in the sentence is indeed "face" (option face). So your answer is correct.

In the conversation with the stranger, the townsman discusses all of the following EXCEPT:
The correct answer is A. His unwavering support of the magistrates. So your answer is correct.

Well done! All of your answers are correct.