Cite evidence that genetic contributions from both parents are necessary for normal prenatal development.

In Hunter syndrome, lack of the enzyme iduronate sulfate sulfatase leads to buildup of carbohydrates called mucopolysaccharides. In severe cases, this may cause the liver, spleen, and heart to swell. In mild cases, deafness may be the only symptom. A child with this syndrome is also deaf and has unusual facial features. Hunter syndrome is inherited as an X-linked recessive condition. Intellect is usually unimpaired and life span can be normal. A man who has mild Hunter syndrome has a child with a woman who is a carrier.
a. What is the probability that if the child is a boy, it would inherit Hunter syndrome?
b. What is the chance that if the child is a girl, she would inherit Hunter syndrome?
c. What is the chance that a girl would be a carrier?
d. How might a carrier of this condition experience symptoms?

The man's genotype = XhY

The woman's genotype = XhX

Use the Punnett square.

A carrier does not experience symptoms in the phenotype.


a. The child has a 50% chance of inheriting Hunter syndrome if he is a boy. Since the father has mild Hunter syndrome, he carries the recessive gene on his X chromosome. If the child is a boy, he will receive the father's X chromosome and has a 50% chance of inheriting the Hunter syndrome gene.

b. The chance that a girl would inherit Hunter syndrome is also 50%. If the child is a girl, she will receive one X chromosome from her father, which could potentially carry the Hunter syndrome gene. Since the mother is a carrier, she will also pass on one X chromosome that could carry the gene. Therefore, the girl would have a 50% chance of inheriting the Hunter syndrome gene.

c. The chance that a girl would be a carrier is also 50%. If the child is a girl, she would receive one X chromosome from her father, which could potentially carry the Hunter syndrome gene. Since the mother is a carrier, she will also pass on one X chromosome that could carry the gene. Therefore, the girl would have a 50% chance of being a carrier.

d. A carrier of Hunter syndrome typically does not exhibit any symptoms or only exhibits mild symptoms. In this case, the woman is a carrier and does not have the syndrome herself. Carriers usually have one normal copy of the gene and one mutated copy. Therefore, carriers may not show any symptoms or may only experience mild symptoms related to low levels of iduronate sulfate sulfatase activity.

a. To determine the probability of a boy inheriting Hunter syndrome, we need to understand the inheritance pattern. Hunter syndrome is an X-linked recessive condition, which means the gene for the disorder is located on the X chromosome. Since boys have one X chromosome inherited from their mother and one Y chromosome inherited from their father, they only need to inherit one copy of the faulty gene from their mother to develop the syndrome.

In this case, the man has mild Hunter syndrome, which means he has one copy of the faulty gene. Therefore, if the child is a boy, the probability that he would inherit Hunter syndrome is 50%.

b. For a girl to inherit Hunter syndrome, she would need to inherit a faulty copy of the gene from both her mother and her father. The woman is a carrier, which means she has one normal copy and one faulty copy of the gene. The chance of the child inheriting the faulty copy from the mother is 50%. However, the father does not have Hunter syndrome, so the chance of the child inheriting the faulty copy from him is 0%.

Therefore, the chance that a girl would inherit Hunter syndrome is 50% multiplied by 0%, which equals 0%.

c. A carrier is someone who has one normal copy and one faulty copy of a gene, but does not show symptoms of the associated disorder. In this case, a carrier of Hunter syndrome is a female who has one normal X chromosome and one X chromosome with the faulty gene. The chance that a girl would be a carrier is equal to the probability of inheriting one faulty copy from her mother, which is 50%.

d. A carrier of Hunter syndrome does not experience symptoms because they have one normal copy of the gene that can compensate for the faulty copy. The normal gene is enough to produce the necessary enzyme, iduronate sulfate sulfatase, and prevent the buildup of mucopolysaccharides. Symptoms only occur when both copies of the gene are faulty, as is the case in individuals with Hunter syndrome.