A true crab has 4 fewer than twice the number of legs that a hermit crab has. The hermit crab has 6 legs. How many legs does the true crab have?

I put for the equation

4c =6 *2
I am confused

t = 2h-4

h = 6
t = 12-4 = 8 legs

Thanks for breaking it down.

T =68

To solve this problem, let's represent the number of legs that the true crab has with the variable "c". From the given information, we know that the hermit crab has 6 legs.

Now, the problem states that a true crab has 4 fewer than twice the number of legs that a hermit crab has.

To translate this into an equation, we would say that "twice the number of legs of a hermit crab" is 2 * 6 = 12.

Then, since the true crab has 4 fewer legs than 12, we subtract 4 from 12: 12 - 4 = 8.

So, the equation that represents this situation is:

c = 8

Therefore, the true crab has 8 legs.