A cat is walking down a sidewalk and spots a dog in a nearby yard. The cat starts to run in the opposit direction and then quickly climbs a tree. Which of the following changes most accurately describes the movement of the cat?

A. Change in speed
B. Cange in distance
C. Change in velocity
D. Change in motion
Is the answer D?
Thank you

I don't think so.

I'm so sorry i meant to put C?

I think C is right. Speed is a scalar quantity(number only); i.e., magnitude but no direction.

Velocity is a vector quantity; i.e., a magnitude with a direction.

To determine the answer, let's break down the options:

A. Change in speed: Speed refers to the rate at which an object is moving. In this scenario, there is no specific information given regarding the change in speed of the cat, so we cannot determine if there was any change.

B. Change in distance: Distance is the total amount of ground covered by an object. Again, there is no information provided about the distance covered by the cat, so we cannot determine if there was any change.

C. Change in velocity: Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. In this scenario, the cat not only changes its speed but also changes its direction by running in the opposite direction and then climbing a tree. So, there is indeed a change in velocity.

D. Change in motion: Motion describes the act of moving. Similar to option A and B, there is no specific information about a change in motion mentioned.

Based on the given scenario, the most accurate description of the change would be C. Change in velocity.

Please keep in mind that it is always essential to provide more details or data when answering questions to ensure accuracy.