I'm stuck on this problem about percentages, I don't know what to do

8 9/25 as a percentage

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

9/25 = 0.36

Multiply the decimal by 100

0.36 = 36%

8 9/25 = 836%

To find the percentage equivalent of a mixed number like 8 9/25, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
To convert the mixed number 8 9/25 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (8) by the denominator (25) and add the numerator (9) to get the new numerator. Keep the denominator the same.

8 * 25 = 200
200 + 9 = 209

So, 8 9/25 as an improper fraction is 209/25.

Step 2: Convert the improper fraction to a decimal.
To convert the fraction 209/25 to a decimal, divide the numerator (209) by the denominator (25).

209 ÷ 25 = 8.36

Step 3: Convert the decimal to a percentage.
To convert the decimal 8.36 to a percentage, multiply it by 100.

8.36 × 100 = 836

So, 8 9/25 as a percentage is 836%.