This is a question about the book Johnny Tremain.

Which of the following is part of the novel's rising action?

A. Johnny's growing role in delivering messages and acting as a spy for the Whigs

B. Dr. Warren's imminent surgery on Johnny's hand

C. the battle on Lexington Green on the morning of April 19, 1775

D. Rab's death in Lexington and Johnny's realization he will have to go on without his friend

I think it is A.

Ms. Sue??

You are correct. I just did this and this is the correct answer:) Connections Academy?

I think you're right. However, check with your book since I haven't read this book in almost 60 years.

Thank you Ms. Sue. Your help is INVALUABLE! :-)

Thank you SkatingDJ! :-D

damn ms.sue is oldddddddd af

tha means shes like 85

To find the answer to this question, it is helpful to understand the concept of rising action in a novel. Rising action refers to the series of events in a story that build suspense, tension, and complexity, leading up to the climax.

In the case of the novel "Johnny Tremain," the rising action includes events that develop the central conflict and propel the story forward. To identify the part of the novel's rising action, let's analyze the given options:

A. Johnny's growing role in delivering messages and acting as a spy for the Whigs: This option focuses on Johnny's increasing involvement in the Revolutionary cause, highlighting his active participation. It contributes to the rising action as it builds tension and develops Johnny's character as a key figure in the conflict.

B. Dr. Warren's imminent surgery on Johnny's hand: While this event is significant for the protagonist, as it heals his injured hand and offers him hope for the future, it does not directly contribute to the rising action. It can be seen as a separate story arc within the novel.

C. The battle on Lexington Green on the morning of April 19, 1775: This event, known as the Battle of Lexington and Concord, is a crucial historical event in the American Revolution. However, it typically falls under the climax or the falling action of the novel, rather than the rising action.

D. Rab's death in Lexington and Johnny's realization he will have to go on without his friend: This event, involving the death of a key character and its impact on Johnny, is instrumental in building tension and developing the story. It contributes to the rising action by heightening the emotional stakes for the protagonist.

Considering the above analysis, option A, "Johnny's growing role in delivering messages and acting as a spy for the Whigs," is indeed part of the novel's rising action. It showcases Johnny's increasing involvement in the conflict and helps to pave the way for further tension and development.

Therefore, your initial instinct that the correct answer is A is correct. Well done!