Here’s a quick biography of how I came to be, 1

the junior lead detective who researches fearlessly. 2

The probability, I find, is just as good as coincidence 3
that I’ll find some hidden mystery by watching some events. 4

This vocation, fair and true, I stumbled on one day, 5
and the verdict was that I’d pursue each fact that comes my way.6

When I find a question that requires investigation,7
I pull out all the stops and start my thorough speculation.8

I believe in accuracy, and truth for all involved, 9
and always staying neutral ‘til the case is all but solved.10

Each occurrence that I witness is a clue to ponder ever—11
‘til I take the case and make it my own personal endeavor.12

I interview each villain, and I never give an inch. 13
I notice all the ticks, and I explore each blink and flinch.14

I ensure each alibi is honest; I check each testimony, 15
and I find the real exception and expose it from the phony.16

In line 8, which literary device does the author use to create a musical quality?

B)free verse


In lines 13-14, what poetic device does the poet use to help to create a musical quality?



The author uses the poetic device of consonance in lines 13-14 to create a musical quality. Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds within a line or passage of poetry. In this case, the repetition of the "k" sound in the words "ticks" and "blink" creates a musical quality in the poem.

The first is incorrect.

The second is correct.