Which guidelines appear less important to the message of a business document but more important to the message of an academic paper? Explain your answer

A business document is a directive...

An academic paper is a collection of information, ideas from which you draw an opinions and tell why you support it.

Which guideline appears less important to the message of a business document but more important to the message of an academic papers?

To determine which guidelines appear less important to the message of a business document but more important to the message of an academic paper, we need to compare the key differences between these two types of documents.

Business Document:
1. Tone: In a business document, the tone should be professional, concise, and focused on conveying information efficiently. It emphasizes clarity and brevity to achieve the intended purpose quickly.
2. Audience: The target audience of a business document typically consists of colleagues, clients, or customers. The document aims to address their specific needs, requests, or concerns.
3. Action-oriented approach: Business documents usually have a practical and actionable focus, aiming to persuade recipients to take a specific action or make decisions that align with the organization's goals.

Academic Paper:
1. Formal language: An academic paper requires a formal tone and language, often using discipline-specific terminology. Precision and accuracy in articulating ideas are crucial for academic writing.
2. Citation and references: Academic papers require proper citation and referencing to acknowledge the sources of information and ideas used. This indicates intellectual honesty and also provides readers with the ability to verify and explore related research.
3. Evidence-based approach: Academic papers often emphasize presenting evidence, research, and theories to support arguments and claims. The focus is on demonstrating a logical and analytical approach to a particular topic or research question.

Based on these differences, the guidelines that appear less important to the message of a business document but more important to the message of an academic paper are:

1. Citation and references: In a business document, the need for extensive citation and referencing is generally less important, especially for internal communications. However, in an academic paper, proper citation and referencing are essential to give credit to the authors whose work is used and to support the validity of the arguments presented.

2. Evidence-based approach: While some business documents may include supporting data or evidence, they often prioritize persuasive language and practical implications rather than extensive research. In contrast, academic papers rely heavily on evidence and research to establish credibility and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic.

Ultimately, the context and purpose of the document determine the guidelines that are more or less important. However, academic papers typically prioritize rigorous research, evidence-based arguments, and proper citation and referencing more than business documents, which tend to focus on practicality, clarity, and achieving specific objectives.