Imagine that you are taking a journey around the Roman Empire. Write a letter home discussing your travels and talking about the achievements of Rome.

The Roman Empire was a very big place. Achievements in what is now Germany were mostly just to keep warlike tribes under control. In what is now Provence in southern France, aquaducts and other public works were achievements. Where are you supposedly travelling?

Reed is right.

This map will help you decide where you are going.


The Roman Empire also lasted a long time, so the time in which you are travelling may affect what you see.

If I traveled to Africa will the time affect what I see?

Probably. Nothing is static, everything changes, even in Roman times. Pick a time and place, say Egypt in the time of Cleopatra, early in the days of the Empire. Or Carthage after Rome burned it. Two different places, different times, different circumstances.

Dear [Family Member/Recipient],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from the vibrant and awe-inspiring Roman Empire where I am currently journeying through its fascinating lands. Our travels have taken us through various provinces, from the bustling streets of Rome itself to the picturesque countryside of Britannia and the majestic ruins of Pompeii.

One cannot help but be captivated by the extraordinary achievements of the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans have left an indelible mark on the world, evident in their numerous accomplishments that have shaped history. Allow me to share a few of these extraordinary achievements with you.

First and foremost, Rome's engineering marvels are truly remarkable. The Romans were renowned for their highly advanced aqueduct systems, which brought clean and fresh water to countless cities and towns throughout the empire. These aqueducts were engineering feats that showcased the Romans' mastery of construction and hydraulic principles.

Another achievement worthy of admiration is the Roman road network. The Romans constructed an extensive network of roads, spanning over 400,000 kilometers. These well-constructed and strategically planned roads facilitated trade, communication, and the movement of armies across the vast expanse of the empire. The sheer scale of this infrastructure project is mind-boggling and demonstrates the Romans' ability to build for the long term.

One cannot discuss Rome's achievements without mentioning its unparalleled architecture. The Romans were pioneers in the field, employing innovative techniques and incorporating architectural elements from different cultures. The Colosseum, an iconic symbol of Rome, stands as a testament to the Romans' architectural prowess. This grand amphitheater, capable of accommodating tens of thousands of spectators, hosted gladiatorial contests, chariot races, and various other events during its heyday.

Moreover, Rome's contributions to law and governance have profoundly influenced legal systems even to this day. The Romans introduced the concept of rule of law, ensuring that all citizens were subject to the same set of laws and that justice was administered fairly. The development of the Twelve Tables, an early written code of law, laid the foundation for modern legal systems around the world.

These are just a few examples of the remarkable achievements of Rome. As I continue my journey through this vast empire, I am constantly reminded of the impact this civilization has had on our world. From their advanced engineering, infrastructure, and architecture to their enduring legal principles, the Romans have left an unmatched legacy.

I hope this letter has provided you with a glimpse of the wonders I am experiencing during this journey through the Roman Empire. I will share more stories and insights with you in my future letters.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]