determine whether 447 is a term of each sequence(s) If so, whitch term is it ?





E.t(n)= -8-7(n-1)

for the first one,

5n - 3 = 447
5n = 450
n = 90
Yes, 447 is in the sequence and it is term(90)

14-3n = 447
-3n = 433
n = -433/3 , makes no sense, since n must be a natural number
So, 447 cannot be a term in this sequence

Do the others the same way

Thank you guys so much

To determine whether 447 is a term of each sequence and which term it is if it is included, we need to substitute 447 for the variable n in each sequence and see if we get a valid result.

Let's go through each sequence one by one:

A. t(n) = 5n - 3
Substituting n = 447:
t(447) = 5(447) - 3 = 2,235 - 3 = 2,232
447 is not a term of this sequence.

B. t(n) = 24 - 5
Substituting n = 447:
t(447) = 24 - 5 = 19
447 is not a term of this sequence.

C. t(n) = -6 + 3(n-1)
Substituting n = 447:
t(447) = -6 + 3(447-1) = -6 + 3(446) = -6 + 1,338 = 1,332
447 is not a term of this sequence.

D. t(n) = 14 - 3n
Substituting n = 447:
t(447) = 14 - 3(447) = 14 - 1,341 = -1,327
447 is not a term of this sequence.

E. t(n) = -8 - 7(n-1)
Substituting n = 447:
t(447) = -8 - 7(447-1) = -8 - 7(446) = -8 - 3,122 = -3,130
447 is not a term of this sequence.

Therefore, 447 is not a term of any of the given sequences A, B, C, D, or E.
