What rational number is less than 0 but greater than -1/2? I think its negative 1/4 would I be right?

Thank You for your help.

I agree.

Thank you very much Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Kyle.

Yes, you are correct! The rational number that is less than 0 but greater than -1/2 is -1/4.

To determine this, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the given range: We are looking for a rational number between -1/2 and 0.

2. Compare the fractions: We can compare -1/2 and 0 to find a rational number in between. Since -1/2 is a negative value and 0 is not, any number between them will also be negative.

3. Finding -1/4: To determine if -1/4 fits within the range, compare it to the given values. -1/4 is greater than -1/2 (closer to 0) and less than 0 (since it is negative).

Hence, you are correct that -1/4 is the rational number that is less than 0 but greater than -1/2.