simplify: 6-y/6/1/6-1/y

6-y/6*6y/y-6= 6y/6=y

Is this correct help i need help!!

To simplify the expression, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and apply the rules of fractions. Let's break down and solve the expression step by step:

1. First, let's simplify the fractions involved:
- The expression can be written as: (6 - y) / (6 / 1) / (6 - 1 / y).
- Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal, so we can rewrite the expression as: (6 - y) * (1 / (6 / 1)) * (1 / (6 - 1 / y)).
- Simplifying further, we get: (6 - y) * (1 / (6)) * (y / (6y - 1)).

2. Next, let's simplify the numerators and the denominator:
- The numerator (6 - y) and denominator (6) cannot be simplified any further.

3. Finally, let's simplify the expression further:
- Our expression now becomes: (6 - y) / (6) * (y / (6y - 1)).
- Multiplying the fractions, we get: (6 - y) * y / (6 * (6y - 1)).
- Expanding the numerator and simplifying, we have: (6y - y^2) / (36y - 6).

So, the simplified expression is: (6y - y^2) / (36y - 6).

Regarding your calculations, it seems that the simplification you provided may have some errors. It would be best to follow the step-by-step process described above to verify the correct simplification.