I need to solve a riddle but I can't figure it out. Apparently love/happiness/purpose is wrong! "Every single person that exists has had some of me and wanted some of me, but I am different for everyone. Sometimes I will never be found and sometimes I can't be found. I can be as hard to find as a needle in a haystack, but once I am found, I am as plain as the nose on your face. What am I?"

Help please.

time ???

I'll post that as another guess, but I only get 1 more after that. I hope this works, because while it fits most of it, it still might not fit because of the "plain as the nose on your face" part. Plz try to come up with more everybody.

Ugh. Still haven't figured it out, but I got close. I guessed "A secret", and it fit all the craiteria, but it wasn't what he was looking for. Has anybody heard something like this before?

Only because you want more "guesses" how about "air?"

air? idk


I agree with either economyst or SraJMcGin

Finding the answer to a riddle can sometimes be tricky, but it's all about analyzing the clues and thinking outside the box. Let's break down the riddle and see if we can find the solution together.

The riddle states, "Every single person that exists has had some of me and wanted some of me, but I am different for everyone." This suggests that whatever the answer is, it is something that everyone has experienced in some form or another, but it manifests differently for each person.

The riddle goes on to say, "Sometimes I will never be found and sometimes I can't be found." This implies that this thing can be elusive or even unattainable in certain situations.

Next, it says, "I can be as hard to find as a needle in a haystack, but once I am found, I am as plain as the nose on your face." This suggests that while this thing may be difficult to find initially, once it is discovered, it becomes obvious and apparent.

Based on these clues, let's analyze the guesses made so far:

1. Love/happiness/purpose - These are all valid answers, but they do not fit the "plain as the nose on your face" criterion.

2. Time - This could be a possibility since everyone experiences time, but it does not quite fit the "plain as the nose on your face" criterion either.

3. A secret - This is an interesting guess that fits most of the criteria, but it was already ruled out by the original poster.

4. Air - While air is universal and essential for life, it doesn't quite match the description and the "plain as the nose on your face" part.

5. Entertainment - This guess might align with the "different for everyone" criterion, but it doesn't fit the other parts of the riddle.

At this point, it seems we are still searching for the correct answer. It's possible that this riddle might be a bit more challenging or specific. I would recommend exploring other possibilities that align with the clues given, such as experiences or concepts that are universal but can be interpreted differently by each person.

Remember, the process of solving a riddle involves analyzing the clues, brainstorming potential answers, and narrowing down the options based on the given criteria. Keep thinking creatively, and you'll likely arrive at the solution in no time!