simplify: (y+1)(y/1-y^2)

which answer:

A. Y/y-1
B. y/1-y
C. y+1/y-1
D. -1

this is what i got y+1/1* Y/1-y^2=-1

again, your lack of brackets make the question ambiguous.

The way you typed it ...
why would you write y/1 that would simply be y
so you really have:
(y+1)(y - y^2)
= y^2 - y^3 + y - y^2
= -y^3 + y

if you meant:
= y(y+1)/((1-y)(1+y) )
= y/(1-y) , y ≠ -1

how do you do it

To simplify the expression (y+1)(y/1-y^2), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factorize the denominator (1-y^2) as (1+y)(1-y).
Step 2: Rewrite the expression using the factored denominator: (y+1)(y/(1+y)(1-y)).
Step 3: Cancel out any common factors between the numerator and the denominator.

Now let's simplify it:

Step 1: The denominator (1+y)(1-y) can be rewritten as (1-y)(1+y).

Therefore, the expression becomes: (y+1)(y/(1-y)(1+y)).

Step 2: Now, we'll cancel out any common factors:

The (y+1) term in the numerator can cancel out with the (1+y) term in the denominator since they are the same.

The expression now simplifies to: y/(1-y).

So the simplified expression is y/(1-y).

Now, let's check which answer choice matches the simplified expression:

A. Y/y-1 (This doesn't match the simplified expression)
B. y/1-y (This matches the simplified expression)
C. y+1/y-1 (This doesn't match the simplified expression)
D. -1 (This doesn't match the simplified expression)

Therefore, out of the given answer choices, the correct answer is B. y/1-y.