The author of the Federalist Paper Number 11 wrote: "A navy of the United States, as it would embrace the resources of all, is an object far less remote than an army of any single state or partial confederacy."

The author would most likely agree that establishing and maintaining a navy should be a:
concurrent power
reserved power
delegated power
shared power

I think it is shared, but can somebody check me?

Please hurry

I agree.

Ms.Sue can you help with my civics problem?

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the different types of powers and understand the context of the statement.

In the context of the Federalist Papers, "concurrent powers" refer to powers shared by both the federal government and state governments, "reserved powers" refer to powers exclusively retained by the states, and "delegated powers" refer to powers given to the federal government. "Shared powers" is not a commonly used term in this context.

Based on the statement, the author is emphasizing the importance and feasibility of having a navy for the United States as a whole. Since the author states that a navy "embraces the resources of all," suggesting a unified and strong navy, it can be inferred that the author believes establishing and maintaining a navy should be a power of the federal government, i.e., a delegated power.

Therefore, the correct answer is "delegated power."