Latitude of Ivvavik National Park? Or Yukon Territory?

69.5197° N, 139.5250° W Ivvavik national park

To find the latitude of Ivvavik National Park or the Yukon Territory, you can use various methods. Here are a few ways to obtain the latitude information:

1. Online maps or search engines: Simply type "Ivvavik National Park latitude" or "Yukon Territory latitude" into a search engine like Google. It will display the latitude directly in the search results, typically in the top panel.

2. Official websites: Visit the official website of Ivvavik National Park or the Yukon Territory. Many official websites provide detailed information, including geographic coordinates.

3. Geographical databases: Utilize geographical databases like the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) or the United Nations Statistics Division's Geospatial Information Section to search for specific locations and their corresponding latitude coordinates.

4. Map applications: You can use popular map applications such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, or OpenStreetMap. Simply search for Ivvavik National Park or the Yukon Territory on these platforms, and the latitude will be visible either by clicking on the location or by viewing the sidebar information.

Once you obtain the latitude information, you can use it to pinpoint the precise location of Ivvavik National Park (in the Yukon Territory).