did i answer the question: Explain how one of the major concepts learned in CHM 111 applies to everyday life.

One major concept that was learned in CHM 111 that applies to everyday life is stoichiometry. Stoichiometry is founded on the law of conservation of mass where the total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products. This leads to the correct amount of the product. In stoichiometry, it is a mathematical procedure used to determine how much of the substance you have in order to produce the right amount. For example, when making cookies, sometimes you will have to figure out how much ingredients you have compared with the amount of sugar to make the cookies the correct way.

I guess I could buy into that.

did I answer the question?

Based on the information you provided, it seems that you have answered the question correctly. You have explained how the concept of stoichiometry, which is a major concept learned in CHM 111, applies to everyday life. You have given an example of how stoichiometry is relevant when making cookies, where you need to calculate the amount of ingredients, such as sugar, to ensure that the cookies turn out just right. Well done!