For a book report, we are doing a "subamarine sandwich". One part is scene illustration - reflective of plot. I don't know how to do this part.

Choose a part of the book that brings the most vivid images into you mind. Then you can

~~draw it
~~paint it
~~make a collage with photos and words from magazines


11 years later and still no responses lol

Creating a scene illustration for your book report can be a fun and creative way to showcase the most vivid images from the book. Here are some steps you can follow to create an engaging scene illustration reflective of the plot:

1. Choose a pivotal or impactful scene: Look for a moment in the book that stands out to you, evokes strong emotions, or plays a significant role in the plot. This could be a dramatic action scene, a pivotal conversation, or a descriptive setting.

2. Visualize the scene: Take some time to close your eyes and immerse yourself in the scene. Try to envision the characters, their expressions, the setting, and any important details. Pay attention to the colors, mood, and overall atmosphere of the scene.

3. Select your medium: Decide how you want to create your scene illustration. You can choose to draw the scene using pencils, pens, or markers. If you prefer painting, gather watercolors or acrylics. Consider using mixed media by combining different materials like paper, photographs, and magazine cutouts to create a collage.

4. Gather references and inspiration: If you're finding it challenging to visualize certain elements of the scene, gather references to help you. Look for images that resemble the characters, setting, or specific objects you want to include. These can be found in books, online, or even by taking your own reference photos.

5. Sketch or plan your composition: Start by sketching out the basic layout of your scene. Focus on the composition and the placement of elements like characters, objects, and background details. Consider the rule of thirds, balance, and how to guide the viewer's eye through the illustration.

6. Add details and colors: Once you're satisfied with the overall composition, start adding details to your scene. Pay attention to important aspects such as facial expressions, clothing, and background elements. Use colors or shading techniques to create depth, evoke the mood of the scene, and make it visually engaging.

7. Refine and finalize: Take a step back and review your scene illustration. Make any necessary adjustments or additions to enhance the overall impact. Once you're satisfied, consider adding a title or caption that reflects the significance of the scene.

Remember, the purpose of your scene illustration is to visually convey the essence of the book and the emotions associated with it. Enjoy the process and let your imagination guide you to create a captivating illustration for your book report. Good luck!