The value of a particular investment follows a pattern of exponential growth. You invested money in a money market account. The value of your investment t years after your initial investment is given by the exponential growth model a=2600e^.08t. How much was initially invested in the account?

well, what is a when t=0?


To find the initial amount invested in the account, we can use the given exponential growth model. In the model, the value of the investment is represented by the variable "a," and the time in years is represented by the variable "t."

The given exponential growth model is: a = 2600e^(0.08t)

To find the initial investment, we need to determine the value of "a" when "t" is zero. This represents the initial value before any time has passed.

So, substitute "t = 0" into the equation:
a = 2600e^(0.08 * 0)

a = 2600e^(0)
a = 2600 * 1 (since any number raised to the power of 0 equals 1)
a = 2600

Therefore, the initially invested amount in the account was $2600.