How do you get square feet from inches? Ex: a room measures 179 inches by 5o inches, what is the square feet?

There are 2 ways to do this. You could first figure out how many square inches the room is by multiplying the 179 x 50. Then, since this is square inches and you want square feet, you would divide this answer by 144, because there are 144 square inches in one square foot.

Or, you could first change each inch measurement into feet, and them multiply the 2 togeter, giving you square feet.

To convert inches to square feet, you can use one of the two methods mentioned.

Method 1: Convert from square inches to square feet using conversion factor
1. Calculate the total square inches of the room by multiplying the length (179 inches) by the width (50 inches) to get 8950 square inches.
2. Since there are 144 square inches in one square foot, divide the total square inches by 144 to convert to square feet.
3. Divide 8950 by 144 to get approximately 62.15 square feet as the result.

Method 2: Convert inches to feet and multiply
1. Convert both the length and width measurements from inches to feet by dividing each measurement by 12. In this example, 179 inches becomes 14.92 feet (rounded to two decimal places), and 50 inches becomes 4.17 feet (rounded to two decimal places).
2. Multiply the converted length (14.92 feet) by the converted width (4.17 feet) to get the total square footage.
3. Multiply 14.92 by 4.17 to get approximately 62.15 square feet as the result.

Both methods will give you the same answer of approximately 62.15 square feet for a room that measures 179 inches by 50 inches.