You earn $29,500 a year plus 4.1% commission on all sales. Last year you had $128,500 in sales. How much did you earn last year?

29500 + .041*128500



To calculate how much you earned last year, you need to add your base salary to the commission earned from sales.

First, let's calculate the commission earned from sales. The commission rate is 4.1%, and your sales were $128,500. To find the commission amount, multiply the sales by the commission rate:

Commission = 4.1% * $128,500

To calculate a percentage, divide the percentage by 100 and then multiply it by the amount.

Commission = (4.1 / 100) * $128,500
Commission = 0.041 * $128,500
Commission = $5,282.50

Now, add the base salary of $29,500 to the commission earned from sales:

Total earnings = Base salary + Commission
Total earnings = $29,500 + $5,282.50
Total earnings = $34,782.50

Therefore, you earned $34,782.50 last year.