To run a four-minute mile, excellent physical condition is important.

Phrase fragment
Dangling modifier (******)
Run-on sentence
Misplaced modifier

Next ones is underlined words so I put * around them
*The dog ate the shoe* that was lying on the closet floor.
Noun clause
Adverb clause (*****)
Independent Clause
Subordinate Clause

The storm, (*which was category 3 hurricane,*) damaged the beaches along the eastern coast of the island.
noun clause
adverb clause
independent clause (***)
subordinate clause

1. Yes.

2. No.
3. No.

Ok D for number 2 and for number 3 A???

I am working on this too and I have a hard time with getting these as well so thanks for the info Ms. Sue

Sandy/Bam -- please use the same name for your posts.

You're welcome.

Choose the term that best describes the underlined phrase line with the " around it

"This is a battle" about which little is known.
A, noun clause
B, adverb clause
C, adjective clause
D, independent clause

The correct answers are:

1. Phrase fragment
2. Adverb clause
3. Independent clause