Discuss how SQ3R reading strategy is similar to and / or different from the way you read course materials previsously.

Explain how using SQ3R improved your comprehension of the course material.

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How would we know how you read you materials previously or how SQ3R improved your comprehension?

How is reading strategy similar to and/or different from the way you read course material previously. How can this strategy improve your reading

how is this strategy similar to and / or different from the way you read course material previously? Convey's 3rd habit, put first things first, means recognizing that your time, energy, and resources are limited. how would you

prioritize reading in your schedule? Explain the Importance of Improving your reading strategies now and when you work in the field of child studies?


The SQ3R reading strategy is a well-known and effective method for active reading and improving comprehension. Let's compare SQ3R to your previous way of reading course materials.

1. Survey: In the SQ3R method, you start by surveying the content before diving into the reading. This involves quickly skimming through headings, subheadings, and any visual aids like diagrams or charts. This step allows you to get an overview of what you'll be reading. Previously, you might not have consciously surveyed the material and may have directly started reading from the beginning.

2. Question: The next step in SQ3R is to formulate questions based on what you want to learn from the material. By creating questions, you actively engage with the content and set a purpose for reading. This step helps to focus your attention and encourages critical thinking. In contrast, you might not have actively generated questions before.

3. Read: In this step, you read the material with a purpose in mind. You focus on finding answers to the questions you formed earlier. While reading, you underline or highlight key points, make notes, and try to comprehend the information. Previously, you might have read passively without specific goals in mind.

4. Recite: After finishing a section or chapter, you recite or summarize the main points in your own words. This step helps reinforce the information and ensure understanding. Previously, you might not have consciously tried to summarize what you read.

5. Review: The last step in SQ3R is to review the material you have read. This could involve going back to your notes, reviewing highlighted sections, or discussing the content with peers. By reviewing, you reinforce your understanding and make connections between different concepts. Previously, you might not have actively reviewed the material after reading.

Using the SQ3R method improves comprehension of course material in several ways:

1. Active Engagement: SQ3R encourages active engagement with the text by formulating questions and summarizing key points. This active involvement helps you better understand and remember the material.

2. Focus and Purpose: By setting specific questions as you read, you stay focused on the purpose of reading. This focused approach increases comprehension and reduces distractions.

3. Improved Retention: Taking notes, summarizing, and reviewing the material ensures that you retain the information for a longer time. By actively interacting with the material, you strengthen your memory and understanding.

4. Critical Thinking: Creating questions and summarizing require critical thinking skills. SQ3R promotes critical thinking and helps you analyze and evaluate the content effectively.

Overall, using the SQ3R reading strategy enhances comprehension of course materials by actively engaging with the content, setting a purpose for reading, and reinforcing understanding through summarization and review.