Choose the meaning that best describes the word in the italics. *pompous is the word that's in italics.

His *pompous* behavior irritated his friends, especially since accomplishments were few and far between.

A. sheepish
B. arrogant
C. unassuming
D. aggravating

is it D..? or B

Thank you for helping!

what is the answer? I need help.

Does anyone know the answer

Help Mrs. Sue

Um who are you talking

Too??? R you talking to the air!?

The correct answer for the meaning of the word "pompous" in this context is B. arrogant. Let me explain how to determine the meaning.

To understand the meaning of a word in a particular context, you can look for clues in the surrounding words and sentences. In this case, the sentence mentions that the person's behavior irritated his friends. This indicates that his behavior was not well-received or appreciated by others. Additionally, it mentions that his accomplishments were few and far between, which suggests that the person may not have had much to be boastful or proud about. Considering these clues, we can infer that the person's behavior was arrogant or excessively self-important, leading to irritation among others. Therefore, the correct answer is B. arrogant.