? --------> Limited Monarchy

Mayflower Compact ------> Self-Government

Common sense

English Bill of rights

Manga Carta ****

Wealth Of nations

Do you mean that the Magna Carta (note spelling) fits in both blanks?

Please clarify.

There is no blanks That is an arrow. and sorry that i just answered.

I'm in the 7th grade and this makes no since besides the bill of rights and the limited government helped us by not having so many rules in the united states lol love civics.

Based on the keywords you provided, it seems like you are looking for explanations of certain historical documents and concepts. Here is a breakdown:

1. Limited Monarchy: A limited monarchy refers to a system of government where the monarch's powers are restricted by a constitution or established laws. In this system, the monarch's authority is limited, and they must govern in accordance with the laws and regulations set by the constitution.

2. Mayflower Compact: The Mayflower Compact was a document signed by the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower ship in 1620. It established a self-governing colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The compact was a social contract that established a basic framework for governance and enabled the colonists to create their own rules and laws.

3. Self-Government: Self-government simply means that a group or community has the authority to govern itself, making decisions and creating laws without external interference. It is the ability of a society to manage its own affairs and exercise control over its own government.

4. Common Sense: Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776, which advocated for the American colonies to declare independence from Britain. It played a significant role in shaping public opinion and promoting the idea of self-governance.

5. English Bill of Rights: The English Bill of Rights is a document signed in 1689 that established certain rights and liberties for the English people. It limited the power of the monarchy and ensured the supremacy of Parliament. It is considered an important constitutional document that influenced the development of democratic principles.

6. Magna Carta (Note: Correct spelling is "Magna Carta," not "Manga Carta"): The Magna Carta is a historical document signed in 1215 in England. It was a charter of liberties that King John of England agreed to abide by, granting certain rights and establishing the principle that the king is not above the law. The Magna Carta is widely regarded as a landmark in the development of constitutional law.

7. Wealth of Nations: "Wealth of Nations" is a book written by economist Adam Smith in 1776. It explores the principles of capitalism, free markets, and the division of labor. It is considered one of the foundational texts of economics and emphasizes the importance of individual economic freedom and minimal government interference.

If you need more information about any specific document or concept, please let me know!