I'm having some trouble with this question on my Maths hw. Any help is appreciated:)

Identify the domain and range of the function.


1. domain: (-oo, 0]
range: (-oo, oo)

2. domain: (-oo, oo)
range: (-oo, 0]

3. domain: (-oo, oo)
range: (-oo, 0)

4. domain: (-oo, oo)
rang: [0, oo)

To determine the domain and range of a function, we need to understand the properties and behavior of the function. In this case, the given function is y = -0.25x^2.

1. The domain refers to all possible x-values for which the function is defined. Since there are no restrictions on the x-values, the function is defined for all real numbers. Thus, the domain is (-∞, ∞).

2. The range refers to all possible y-values that the function can take. In this case, the function is a quadratic function with a negative lead coefficient (-0.25), which means the graph of the function opens downward and is symmetric around the vertex. Since the coefficient of the x^2 term is negative, the maximum value of the function occurs at the vertex. Therefore, the range is (-∞, 0].

Based on this information, the correct answer would be:

2. domain: (-∞, ∞)
range: (-∞, 0]

Not familiar with this notation and the ( or [ are confusing.

In the "good ol' days" way:

domain: any real number
range : y ≤ 0

I will leave it up to you to identify the matching answer